A a apple
B b ball
C c cat
D d dog
E e elephant
F f fish
This is the phonics song.
It goes like this.
The names of the letters are a b c.
The sounds of the letters are 애 브 크.
G g gorilla
H h hat
I i igloo
J j Jacket
K k kangaroo
L l lion
Let's do the phonics song.
One more time.
The names of the letters are e f g.
The sounds of the letters are 에 프 그.
M m monkey
N n nose
O o octopus
P p pig
Q q question
R r ring
This is phonics song.
Are you ready to sing?
The names of the letters are n o p.
The sounds of the letters are 느 아 프.
S s sun
T t tiger
U u umbrella
V v violin
W w watch
X x fox
This is phonics song.
Are you ready to rock?
The names of the letters are r s t.
The sounds of the letters are 르 스 트
The names of the letters are x y z
The sounds of the letters are 크스 유 즈.
Y y yellow
Z z zebra
That is the end of the phonics song.
alphabet song 은 익숙한 아이들에게 phonics song도 들려주려고 한다.
중간중간 가사가 제대로 들리지 않아, 이렇게 적어둔다.
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